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Are you ready for your next food safety audit?
Get practical advice and feedback about your food fraud vulnerability assessment from Karen Constable, a leading international food fraud expert and accredited Australian food safety professional.
Send your vulnerability assessment to us and Karen will review it and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. Use pseudonyms or code names to protect the identity of the food business and products if desired.
When you purchase this service you will receive instructions for submitting your assessment. Or you can simply email it to
If you are comfortable speaking in the English language, include your telephone number and country dialing code so that Karen can talk to you about your document. Feedback will also be provided by email.
Got questions? Just ask, we are here to help!
Ask Karen a question
You are purchasing the right to download, populate, save and print the two (2) Microsoft Excel workbook files
created and published by Food Fraud Advisors © 2019.
You may make as many copies of the workbooks as you need for one packaging business in one geographical location. Licence terms and conditions.
To use the Vulnerability Assessment Tool and Threat Assessment Tool you will need:
Questions? Click here for frequently asked questions and their answers plus access to support
Buy them now, download them instantly and complete your vulnerability assessment and threat assessment documentation in less than one hour.
All prices are in US dollars.
Get both tools for US$59.00 (not sold separately)
You are purchasing the right to download, populate, save and print the Microsoft Excel workbook file Intentional Adulteration Vulnerability Assessment Tool created and published by AuthenticFoodCo and Food Fraud Advisors © 2019.
Please note, this tool is NOT for FOOD FRAUD prevention. It is for food defense, which is the effort to prevent acts of adulteration that are intended to cause physical harm to consumers, such as by poisoning food as an act of terrorism, revenge or extortion. Find a tool for food fraud prevention instead.
You may make as many copies of the workbook as you need for one food business in one geographical location. Licence terms and conditions.
To use the Intentional Adulteration Vulnerability Assessment Tool you will need:
Questions? Click here for frequently asked questions and their answers plus access to support
Buy it now, download it instantly and complete your first intentional adulteration vulnerability assessment in less than one hour.
All prices are in US dollars.