If you suspect a food or drink of being unsafe
If you suspect a food or drink of being unsafe, report it immediately to your food regulatory authority:
- USA: State Health Departments
- United Kingdom Food Standards Agency
- Australian State and Territory enforcement agencies
Or you can anonymously report the problem on the GHI Whistleblower Food Safety Incident Report Site (no affiliation).
If you suspect a food or drink of being affected by food fraud
If you suspect a food or drink of being inauthentic, or think it is being sold in a fraudulent manner, report it to
- USA: Report food fraud using the FDA assistance and reporting page. Misbranding fraud can also be reported to the Federal Trade Commission here.
- United Kingdom Call the number on the FSA website
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
If you need advice, email us support@foodfraudadvisors.com.
Not sure who to talk to?
Contact Food Fraud Advisors for confidential advice.